~ The Eleventh ~

“He wants what?”

“Lucius wants me to have another baby, so the Malfoy bloodline continues.”

Narcissa looked deathly pale, her eyes red and swollen, as though she had cried. She could have used a Glamour Charm, and Molly felt secretly flattered that Narcissa hadn’t deemed it necessary for meeting her. Or maybe she just hadn’t thought of it.

“He seems to have successfully forgotten about the two miscarriages, or that I...I almost died at Draco’s birth.”

Molly didn’t know what to say, and so they drank their tea in silence, praying that their husbands might finally come to their senses.


~ The Twelfth ~

“I know,” Molly replied when Narcissa told her the news. “I was there just yesterday. Harry is so proud.” She chuckled. “Hermione was asking me dozens of questions – I didn’t even know which to answer first.”

“Have you seen all the books about pregnancy and upbringing? She must have got them practically on the same day.”

Molly nodded in amusement. “Some things will never change.”

Narcissa sipped her tea thoughtfully. “She asked Draco to be the second godfather, together with Ron.” It made her oddly proud.

“She’s a good girl,” Molly said warmly.

“Yes,” Narcissa slowly agreed. “Yes, she is.”


~ The Thirteenth ~

Upon arriving, Narcissa found Molly staring at the clock almost like in trance. She had noticed before that two hands, ”Charlie” and “Ginevra”, seemed to be frozen in a certain position. After a while, she realised Molly wouldn’t react to her presence, so she stood behind her, her hands on the other woman’s shoulders, waiting.

“I couldn’t take it,” Molly finally murmured hoarsely. “To see them point at Lost all the time. So, one day, I...I changed them. To Home.”

When the red-headed woman’s tears had finally subsided a little, Narcissa made tea for the first time in her life.


~ The Fourteenth ~

“Maybe I shouldn’t have come.” Narcissa’s gaze returned to the door of the living room. Right then, there was another loud sneeze, and after that, a pitiful groan.

“Nonsense,” Molly declared firmly. “You know how much of a hypochondriac every man can be if he wants. It’s nothing more than a cold, and a little headache. He wouldn’t be so theatrical if it were any other friend I’d spend one hour of the afternoon with. He just doesn’t like that it’s you, a Malfoy.” She took a hearty bite of cake. “It’s a good lesson.”

Arthur sneezed again. Narcissa smiled.


~ The Fifteenth ~

“Are you sure it’s irreversible, even by magic?”

“Yes,” Molly affirmed. “I had it done at thirty-two, after...having Ginny. We couldn’t possibly afford more children. The healers told me it was safe, and final.”

“And it’s over with in a single day...” Narcissa repeated contemplatively. “Lucius would never have to know.”

“If I were you, I’d do it,” Molly said softly. “Your son needs you. And your life is worth more than a bloodline.”

Narcissa smiled cynically. “Some years ago, I’d never have agreed. But circumstances have changed.”

“Do you regret that?”

“Sometimes. Right now, though, I’m nothing but relieved.”
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